Synchronized clock
Ittai Abraham et al.
Section 5 Clock Synchronization
July 17, 2019, WIP
Bryan Ford (EPFL)
Chain-based PoS
Christian Badertscher, Peter Gaˇzi, Aggelos Kiayias, Alexander Russell, and Vassilis Zikas
Slide at EuroCrypto'19 rump session Based on Ouroboros Genesis
Handan Kılın¸c Alper (Web3 Foundation)
Based on Ouroboros Praos
Generalization of Ouroboros Clepsydra
Comparision with Chronos
They assume that there exists a core set of parties (termed “alert parties”) who are honest and synchronized.
The existence of such a core set of parties is based on the assumption that their clocks follow almost the same rate
Chronos's synchronization algorithm helps new joining parties to synchronize themselves with the alert parties
Our model and theirs differ on this point, as we assume that the clocks of parties can arbitrarily shift
When a node receives a message from another node, it calculates the implied timestamp of that node: for example, if genesis time is 1500000000, slot length is 8 seconds, and it receives a block with slot number 10, it takes an implied timestamp of 1500000080. A node can compute the median implied timestamp of all nodes based on their latest messages, and simply adopt it